Monday, April 25, 2011

Angelina Jolie MSN interview:

Angelina Jolie, 32, was recently interviewed by MSN while promoting her new film, A Mighty Heart. Here are the kid related highlights.
On Maddox asking about the film: He finds it very strange. He came up to me and said, ‘Why are you dressing up like Adam’s mommy everyday?’ and then it got us into this heavy discussion where I had to say, ‘Well, this thing happened to Adam’s mommy and Adam’s daddy and to their family at this time, that has affected our world, and we want to tell the story to help people understand this time and Adam’s daddy.’ I really couldn’t get into the details, more because I didn’t know what he would say to Adam. Usually I tell my son everything, but…I did say that [Daniel] was killed.

On what she’s most proud of: My family. I’m very proud of my family. I’m proud of Brad as a father, and as a man. I’m proud of the home we’ve been able to create for the kids. I’m proud of how happy our kids are, and how uniquely individual they are…I’m most proud of them.

On how she balances everything: It’s a unique situation where I am lucky that I can take big chunks of time off. I can also insist that my kids be brought to the set. I’m able to balance because I have a lot of that unusual circumstance. I do have an amazing man in my life who is such a wonderful dad, and makes raising the kids that much more fun and that much easier to do because he’s so hands-on as well. But at the end of the day, like all moms, you realize you get through it because you love your kids, and you love your life, and it’s pure joy, and the balance is just found.

On Maddox: Mad’s almost 6, and he’s just this little intelligent man. He’s so smart and so witty. He’s like my best buddy. Just the coolest little person I’ve ever met.

On Pax: He’s recently just come home. He spent 3 1/2 years of his life in one place, in one room, in this one little iron bed with 20 other kids, and having no choice for himself to do things, having no freedom. And suddenly, here he is in a very free situation with new brothers and sisters and a mom and dad. He’s learning English and he’s so loving and he’s wild and free ’cause he suddenly has freedom so he’s a little wild and crazy. But what a tough, remarkable little person

On Shiloh:
Shi’s so full of light and love, she’s just a little honey, and very, very funny. I think I’m recognizing some of myself in that one — she’s going to be a little bit of trouble!

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